Looking For A Massage Thru A #Hashtag?

Wow it seems like our world is evolving quicker than ever! Times are definitely changing! Gone are the days when you looked for a massage in the Yellow Pages. It's definitely a thing of the past. It seems like things are just becoming obsolete  in the digital world as well. People are now searching on social media  for #hashtags on whatever  they are looking for including massages! Social media seems to be where it's at.. look at Facebook, Instagram , Twitter and YES even Snapchat. I guess it's the NEW paradigm of the future? 🤔

So now that we are trending in the #hashtag world.  IT can be easy or sometimes  down right hard and confusing! It can  definitely  be tricky to find the right combo for a #hashtag. I still am trying to figure It out myself!  Lol! Oh the shifting of how to navigate all this in the here and now. It sure doesn't make it easy for businesses to advertise IF they can't figure out the exact  #hashtag their customers are using.It seems the social media platform changes rapidly? So I would think it's important to stay on top of it. To know the right app at the right time seems to be critical. 😥

Well I know that for our business I'll list the #hashtags  we use .... #Nashvillemobilemassage #Nashvillehomemassage
#Massage #AirBnBmassage #Hotelmassage

Well I hope that helps you find us in the massage world!  We are looking to succeed with our business in the #hashtag media platform. 😊👯‍♂️👯‍♀️


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