Professional Massage... Could You Use One ?

Well of course you could!  Who doesn't L❤VE a great massage RIGHT?! I bet you know someone who will rub your shoulders? Massage your back or your feet ? LET'S admit it TOUCH feels good! It's essential  to our human life! So why spend your time and money on a professional Licensed Massage Therapist? 🤔

1. Knowing how to massage properly and what techniques are needed are needed to get the best results.  Your well meaning friend or significant other isn't trained professionally  to know. Sure they mean well BUT they can cause more damage then good.  Say you injured your back. Does he or she know the proper protocol of massage to help you out... it's fair to say probably not! Ok I'll give an example to highlight this. So you run a few miles one day and pull or strain a muscle.  A Real Massage Therapist can help address that no problem!  They know how to massage and help decrease your pain and this helps speed up your recovery process. Chances are your friend or whoever does not. Say they go to deep meaning to help you. This can cause more tissue damage. It also may increase your inflammation and PAIN.  Are you willing to sacrifice it ?

2. Properly Licensed Massage Therapists have skills and experience.  Massage Therapists know your body. They know what is connected to what. Essentially they understand how everything affects everything else... Does your friend? Probably not.

3. You need  to make time for a proper Massage.  You will see how it will impact your life and make ALL the difference.  You just have to experience it for yourself. A professional massage is specifically catered to your ailments in your body.  What hurts? Where? Now how to fix it. A professional massage will meet your physical  needs.  NO one  likes PAIN or STRESS!

4. Can your friend MASSAGE you for 60 minutes? 90 minutes? Or 2 hours even? Ha I truly doubt  it! I can't tell you how many times I get calls from a husband or wife or a couple asking me go please come massage them because their significant other gave up after 5 to 10 minutes. LOL! It's hard work delivering the right massage catered for you.

5.   Most people feel happy and sleep better after a professional massage! This is because they are truly relaxed in their body after the RIGHT massage  by the professional Massage Therapist. 

So by all means get the professional to do the job right! You wouldn't go to a dog groomer to get your car looked at RIGHT?! I'm just saying IF you want a massage done right please hire a professional massage therapist Thankyou! You will be glad you did!😄


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