Your Drug Of Choice SHOULD Be Massage!

Hey do you get professional massages regularly? If you do I salute you ! Continue to do so for your health and well-being! I encourage you to keep doing so. If you don't why not? If you haven't bothered to get professional massages yet then it's high time you did ! You owe it to yourself to take better care of YOU! If you have had massages before and it wasn't YOUR cup of tea , DON'T GIVE UP!! NOT all massage therapists are created equal.  It's about shopping around and finding the right massage therapist to help you !

People seem to think that massage is a luxury but realistically that couldn't be farther from the truth!
These days we are all busy, and In general we are experts in finding ways of not looking after ourselves. When it all comes down to it, we either reap the benefits of making the time, spending the money and giving ourselves permission to look after ourselves, because WE ARE WORTHY! Or… we suffer and lament missed opportunities, aches, pains, and EXCUSES! EXCUSES! EXCUSES! 😥

Modern studies have shown that massage can be used to successfully treat a variety of disorders such as..

• anxiety
• arthritis
• back or neck pain
• soft tissue injuries
• chronic pain
• constipation
• depression
• headache
• high blood pressure
• insomnia

Do you have any of the above problems just listed? I'm willing to bet you have at least one?

Benefits of massage...
One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs
because massage prompts the release of endorphins, the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that
produce feelings of wellbeing. Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and
norepinephrine, are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the
immune system.

Some of the physical benefits of massage includes....

• reduced muscle tension
• improved circulation
• stimulation of the lymphatic system
• reduction of stress hormones
• increased joint mobility and flexibility
• improved skin tone
• speedier healing of soft tissue injuries
• heightened mental alertness
• reduced anxiety and depression.

Now doesn't that sound good about NOW? 👍

If there was one drug you could buy from the chemist that could do all of these things for you I bet you would have already bought a life time supply!!! Isn't this the truth ?! 😆

If you haven’t already, it’s time to make massage a regular part of your life. YOU only HAVE one you so take time for YOU! 😁


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