Selecting A Massage Therapist For Your Session

Now how do you find a good Massage Therapist? There are SO many choices! How can this be easy for you? I always tell people check the reviews! What are other people saying? Look online and check someone out . Are you looking for a spa? Alot of noise and you can't really enjoy your Massage! I hear this alot! How about a "Mobile Massage?" That's right! WHAT could  be better? Get someone to drive to you so you don't have to! But where to look? 🤔 
Of course ask your friends if they have recommendations too.

Google "Mobile Massage * and immediately legit companies will pull up. Look for authentic reviews. Is it 5 stars? Are people happy with the service they got? What Are they talking about? Is it less than 5 stars? Bad reviews? Good idea to stay clear for sure! It's a red flag! How are they on the phone when you call them? Are they friendly? Do you get a good vibe talking to them? Always go with your gut feeling. Ask questions.. do they have reasonable answers? Are they polite on the phone with you? Or are they short and impatient? 😣

There are MANY Licensed Massage Therapists out there BUT all are not created equal. Some just know the basics and don't further themselvesSome could care less and just see you as a dollar sign. I know terrible RIGHT?!  I feel that Licensed Massage Therapists should be kind and caring... after all it's touch. 💆‍♂️💆‍♀️


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