The Massage High!

Have you ever had such an amazing massage that you got High?  Have you ever experienced the "High?" What's that about you ask? Let me tell you...

Massage pushes toxins out of your muscles, kind of like squeezing out a tube of toothpaste. The toxins are normally occurring substances like calcium, lactic acid, magnesium, etc. They get stuck in your muscles due to tension - You clamp down on the tiny blood vessels that feed the muscles, and that traps the toxins in those vessels instead of allowing them to pass through your bloodstream and leave your body. Massage relaxes the muscles and manually pushes the toxins back into the bloodstream, where your liver and kidneys will filter them out. The drunk feeling is called "massage depletion," and can be remedied by drinking a lot of water and resting for a bit until you feel steady on your feet.

Now you know! Enjoy the Massage High while it lasts... it can be addicting!


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